A. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Sienna Plantation Section 13A and 13B Partial Replat No. 2, and Sienna Plantation Section 13A and 13B Partial Replat No. 3, Pct. 1.
B. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Walnut Creek, Section 22, Precinct 1.
C. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Veranda Section 24 Amending Plat, Precinct 1.
D. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Horton Vista Drive Street Dedication, Section 1, Precinct 2.
E. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Tamarron Crossing Section 3 Street Dedication and Tamarron Crossing Section 4 Street Dedication, Precinct 3.
6. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL: Approve out-of-state travel requests for County personnel:
17. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular Board meeting held on December 18, 2019, and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court:
18. FORT BEND GRAND PARKWAY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular meeting held on December 18, 2019, and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court:
Take all appropriate action on acceptance of donation from Jack Perry in the amount of $1,000 in support of the Fort Bend County Human Trafficking Task Force, to be used for the printing of palm-sized outreach cards to raise awareness of human trafficking among Fort Bend County residents.
Take all appropriate action on request by Frederick J. Williams to waive penalty, interest, and collection fees totaling $458.08 on property taxes for tax year 2018, Precinct 3.
Take all appropriate action on request by Belinda Lee to waive penalty, interest, and collection fees totaling $311.61 on property taxes for tax year 2018, Precinct 4.
Administrative Court Services: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $347,000 from FY 2019 Non-Departmental accounts as detailed on Auditor's form dated December 17, 2019 to allocate funds for local match regarding Senate Bill 292 and the grant provided to Texana for justice-involved individuals who require mental health services for the period of September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020.
A. Take all appropriate action on adoption of the Fort Bend County Budget Policy for Fiscal Year 2021.
B. Take all appropriate action on adoption of the 2020 Investment Policy and Investment Strategy for Fort Bend County, as presented by the Director of Finance and Investments, pursuant to Government Code Section 2256.005(e).
Take all appropriate action on request to create one new full-time position in the Office of County Clerk, Senior Case Manager, Grade 9 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group, effective January 11, 2020. (Fund: County Clerk, Records Management)
A. Take all appropriate action on Application and Resolution to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, for grant funding in the amount of $308,474.88 for the Human Trafficking Investigation and Prosecution Project, with no additional match required by Fort Bend County for the period of April 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.
B. Take all appropriate action on Application and Resolution to the Texas Department of Transportation for grant funding in the amount of $44,863.83 for the No Refusal Program to Stop Impaired Driving with a local match of $11,215.97 for a total program cost of $56,079.80 for the period of October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021. (Fund: District Attorney Discretionary Funds)
A. Take all appropriate action on Correction Resolution and Order to Abandon and Vacate portions of Winding Path Way, previously approved by Commissioners Court as Agenda Item No. 29. A. on October 22, 2019, and record in Official Public Records of Fort Bend County, Texas.
B. Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $10,000 from Non-Departmental Contingency into Engineering, Information Technology, to allocate funds for a replacement plotter/scanner.
C. Take all appropriate action on request to purchase Parcel 2 in the amount of $31,007.95 and Parcel 5 in the amount of $39,398.95 plus the necessary costs regarding Bamore Road, Segment 2, and authorize the County Judge to sign all closing documents regarding said parcels, Mobility Bond Project No. 17105, Precincts 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
D. Take all appropriate action on request to purchase Parcel 29 in the amount of $11,746 and Parcel 30 in the amount of $20,309 plus necessary costs regarding Darst Road and Doris Road Overpass, and authorize the County Judge to sign all closing documents regarding said parcels, Mobility Bond Project No. 13105, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2013 Mobility Bonds)
E. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the major thoroughfare median opening Requirements as stated in Section 5.2.C.5, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for District West Apartments from R.G. Miller Engineers on behalf of DD Peek 13.2, LLC, Precinct 3.
F. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the major thoroughfare median opening requirements as stated in Section 5.2.C.5, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions, and variance for major thoroughfare commercial driveway spacing as stated in Section 3.B.1.e, of the Permits for the Construction of Driveways and Culverts on County Easements and Right of Ways, for KIPP Texas Houston Florence Road from Kuo & Associates Inc., on behalf of KIPP Texas Public Schools, Precinct 3.
G. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.5.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Grand Mission Estates Detention Reserve, on behalf of 688 Partners LP, 688 Development Inc. and Grand Mission MUD No. 2, Precinct 3.
H. Take all appropriate action on plat for Grand Mission Estates Detention Reserve, Pct. 3.
I. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.6.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Aliana Section 61 on behalf of Aliana Development Company, Precinct 4.
J. Take all appropriate action on plat for the roads within Aliana, Section 61, Precinct 4.
K. Take all appropriate action on plat for the lots within Aliana, Section 61, Precinct 4.
L. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.5.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Aliana Section 71 on behalf of Aliana Development Company, Precinct 4.
M. Take all appropriate action on plat for the roads within Aliana, Section 71, Precinct 4.
N. Take all appropriate action on plat for the lots within Aliana, Section 71, Precinct 4.
Take all appropriate action on Program Forms and Agreement for use of Fort Bend County Parks facilities throughout the county as presented by Director.
A. Take all appropriate action on Amendment No. 6 to Software and Services Agreement between Fort Bend County and Tyler Technologies, Inc. for eCitation and Mobile Solutions systems, in an amount not to exceed $57,312.48 effective through September 30, 2020. (Fund: Information Technology)
B. Take all appropriate action on Tenth Addendum to Software and Maintenance Agreement between Fort Bend County and Trapeze Software Group, Inc. pursuant to RFP 06-101 for annual maintenance of Public Transportation scheduling software in an amount not to exceed $28,236 effective March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021. (Fund: Public Transportation, Grants)
C. Take all appropriate action on Service Agreement between Fort Bend County and Gartner, Inc. utilizing State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract DIR-TSO-4099 for subscription-based research and related services, in an amount not to exceed $176,134 effective November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2021. (Fund: Information Technology)
D. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and Liteco Electric, Inc. for equipment and electrical services at Jones Creek Ranch Park, utilizing Buy Board Contract No. 592-19 in an amount not to exceed $172,712. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
E. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and Liteco Electric, Inc. for equipment and electrical services at Four Corners Community Center, utilizing Buy Board Contract No. 592-19 in an amount not to exceed $164,093. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
F. Take all appropriate action on Bid 20-038 for fencing at Jones Creek Fields.
G. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and King & Spalding LLP for professional consulting services regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in an amount not to exceed $70,000 effective through September 30, 2020. (Fund: Non-Departmental Fees)
H. Take all appropriate action on Bid 20-037 to remove and replace arena skylights at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds.
I. Take all appropriate action on Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and AutoArch Architects, LLC to increase the scope of services by $43,600 for a total contract amount not to exceed $302,600 pursuant to SOQ 16-045, regarding Missouri City Gymnasium. (Fund: 2015 Facilities Bond, Proposition 1)
J. Take all appropriate action on Third Amendment to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc., to increase the scope of services by $14,903.23 for a total contract amount not to exceed $370,090.47 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Clodine Road, Mobility Bond Project No. 17417, Precinct 4. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
K. Take all appropriate action on Amendment to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and IDS Engineering Group to increase the scope of services by $8,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $288,000 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Bellaire Boulevard and Westmoor Drive, Mobility Bond Project No. 17209-12, Precinct 2. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
L. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Chiang, Patel and Yerby, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $198,846.96 pursuant to SOQ 14-025, regarding Packer Lane Lift Station No. 3, Mobility Bond Project No. 13219x, Precinct 2. (Fund: 2013 Mobility Bonds)
M. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Environmental Services between Fort Bend County and Berg-Oliver Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $187,927.70 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding FM 521 South, Mobility Bond Project No. 17111, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
N. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Construction Materials Observation and Testing between Fort Bend County and Raba Kistner Consultants, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $42,333 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Various Roads in Arcola, Mobility Bond Project No. 17120x, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
O. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Costello, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $108,444 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Pecan Creek Road and Cedar Creek Road bridges, Project No. BR19301, Precinct 3. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
Take all appropriate action on request for reclassification of vacant position number 5601-0293 in the Sheriff's Office from Clerk III-Bonding, Grade 7 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group to Bonding Clerk, Grade 5 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group, effective January 7, 2020.
Take all appropriate action on request to merge the Court Collections Accounting Unit 100497101, currently managed by the County Treasurer, into the County Treasurer Accounting Unit 100497100, effective January 7, 2020.
§ 551.071. Consultation With Attorney. Commissioners Court will meet in Closed Session to seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement offer; or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
A. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Sienna Plantation Section 13A and 13B Partial Replat No. 2, and Sienna Plantation Section 13A and 13B Partial Replat No. 3, Pct. 1.
B. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Walnut Creek, Section 22, Precinct 1.
C. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Veranda Section 24 Amending Plat, Precinct 1.
D. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Horton Vista Drive Street Dedication, Section 1, Precinct 2.
E. Acceptance of the traffic control plan for Tamarron Crossing Section 3 Street Dedication and Tamarron Crossing Section 4 Street Dedication, Precinct 3.
6. OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL: Approve out-of-state travel requests for County personnel:
17. FORT BEND COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend County Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular Board meeting held on December 18, 2019, and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court:
18. FORT BEND GRAND PARKWAY TOLL ROAD AUTHORITY: The Board of Directors of the Fort Bend Grand Parkway Toll Road Authority reviewed these items at their regular meeting held on December 18, 2019, and makes the following recommendations to Commissioners Court:
Take all appropriate action on acceptance of donation from Jack Perry in the amount of $1,000 in support of the Fort Bend County Human Trafficking Task Force, to be used for the printing of palm-sized outreach cards to raise awareness of human trafficking among Fort Bend County residents.
Take all appropriate action on request by Frederick J. Williams to waive penalty, interest, and collection fees totaling $458.08 on property taxes for tax year 2018, Precinct 3.
Take all appropriate action on request by Belinda Lee to waive penalty, interest, and collection fees totaling $311.61 on property taxes for tax year 2018, Precinct 4.
Administrative Court Services: Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $347,000 from FY 2019 Non-Departmental accounts as detailed on Auditor's form dated December 17, 2019 to allocate funds for local match regarding Senate Bill 292 and the grant provided to Texana for justice-involved individuals who require mental health services for the period of September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020.
A. Take all appropriate action on adoption of the Fort Bend County Budget Policy for Fiscal Year 2021.
B. Take all appropriate action on adoption of the 2020 Investment Policy and Investment Strategy for Fort Bend County, as presented by the Director of Finance and Investments, pursuant to Government Code Section 2256.005(e).
Take all appropriate action on request to create one new full-time position in the Office of County Clerk, Senior Case Manager, Grade 9 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group, effective January 11, 2020. (Fund: County Clerk, Records Management)
A. Take all appropriate action on Application and Resolution to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, for grant funding in the amount of $308,474.88 for the Human Trafficking Investigation and Prosecution Project, with no additional match required by Fort Bend County for the period of April 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.
B. Take all appropriate action on Application and Resolution to the Texas Department of Transportation for grant funding in the amount of $44,863.83 for the No Refusal Program to Stop Impaired Driving with a local match of $11,215.97 for a total program cost of $56,079.80 for the period of October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021. (Fund: District Attorney Discretionary Funds)
A. Take all appropriate action on Correction Resolution and Order to Abandon and Vacate portions of Winding Path Way, previously approved by Commissioners Court as Agenda Item No. 29. A. on October 22, 2019, and record in Official Public Records of Fort Bend County, Texas.
B. Take all appropriate action on request to transfer the amount of $10,000 from Non-Departmental Contingency into Engineering, Information Technology, to allocate funds for a replacement plotter/scanner.
C. Take all appropriate action on request to purchase Parcel 2 in the amount of $31,007.95 and Parcel 5 in the amount of $39,398.95 plus the necessary costs regarding Bamore Road, Segment 2, and authorize the County Judge to sign all closing documents regarding said parcels, Mobility Bond Project No. 17105, Precincts 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
D. Take all appropriate action on request to purchase Parcel 29 in the amount of $11,746 and Parcel 30 in the amount of $20,309 plus necessary costs regarding Darst Road and Doris Road Overpass, and authorize the County Judge to sign all closing documents regarding said parcels, Mobility Bond Project No. 13105, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2013 Mobility Bonds)
E. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the major thoroughfare median opening Requirements as stated in Section 5.2.C.5, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for District West Apartments from R.G. Miller Engineers on behalf of DD Peek 13.2, LLC, Precinct 3.
F. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the major thoroughfare median opening requirements as stated in Section 5.2.C.5, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions, and variance for major thoroughfare commercial driveway spacing as stated in Section 3.B.1.e, of the Permits for the Construction of Driveways and Culverts on County Easements and Right of Ways, for KIPP Texas Houston Florence Road from Kuo & Associates Inc., on behalf of KIPP Texas Public Schools, Precinct 3.
G. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.5.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Grand Mission Estates Detention Reserve, on behalf of 688 Partners LP, 688 Development Inc. and Grand Mission MUD No. 2, Precinct 3.
H. Take all appropriate action on plat for Grand Mission Estates Detention Reserve, Pct. 3.
I. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.6.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Aliana Section 61 on behalf of Aliana Development Company, Precinct 4.
J. Take all appropriate action on plat for the roads within Aliana, Section 61, Precinct 4.
K. Take all appropriate action on plat for the lots within Aliana, Section 61, Precinct 4.
L. Take all appropriate action on request for variance to the block length requirements as stated in Section 5.5.A.2, of the Fort Bend County Regulations of Subdivisions for Aliana Section 71 on behalf of Aliana Development Company, Precinct 4.
M. Take all appropriate action on plat for the roads within Aliana, Section 71, Precinct 4.
N. Take all appropriate action on plat for the lots within Aliana, Section 71, Precinct 4.
Take all appropriate action on Program Forms and Agreement for use of Fort Bend County Parks facilities throughout the county as presented by Director.
A. Take all appropriate action on Amendment No. 6 to Software and Services Agreement between Fort Bend County and Tyler Technologies, Inc. for eCitation and Mobile Solutions systems, in an amount not to exceed $57,312.48 effective through September 30, 2020. (Fund: Information Technology)
B. Take all appropriate action on Tenth Addendum to Software and Maintenance Agreement between Fort Bend County and Trapeze Software Group, Inc. pursuant to RFP 06-101 for annual maintenance of Public Transportation scheduling software in an amount not to exceed $28,236 effective March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021. (Fund: Public Transportation, Grants)
C. Take all appropriate action on Service Agreement between Fort Bend County and Gartner, Inc. utilizing State of Texas Department of Information Resources Contract DIR-TSO-4099 for subscription-based research and related services, in an amount not to exceed $176,134 effective November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2021. (Fund: Information Technology)
D. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and Liteco Electric, Inc. for equipment and electrical services at Jones Creek Ranch Park, utilizing Buy Board Contract No. 592-19 in an amount not to exceed $172,712. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
E. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and Liteco Electric, Inc. for equipment and electrical services at Four Corners Community Center, utilizing Buy Board Contract No. 592-19 in an amount not to exceed $164,093. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
F. Take all appropriate action on Bid 20-038 for fencing at Jones Creek Fields.
G. Take all appropriate action on Agreement between Fort Bend County and King & Spalding LLP for professional consulting services regarding the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in an amount not to exceed $70,000 effective through September 30, 2020. (Fund: Non-Departmental Fees)
H. Take all appropriate action on Bid 20-037 to remove and replace arena skylights at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds.
I. Take all appropriate action on Fourth Amendment to Agreement for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and AutoArch Architects, LLC to increase the scope of services by $43,600 for a total contract amount not to exceed $302,600 pursuant to SOQ 16-045, regarding Missouri City Gymnasium. (Fund: 2015 Facilities Bond, Proposition 1)
J. Take all appropriate action on Third Amendment to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc., to increase the scope of services by $14,903.23 for a total contract amount not to exceed $370,090.47 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Clodine Road, Mobility Bond Project No. 17417, Precinct 4. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
K. Take all appropriate action on Amendment to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and IDS Engineering Group to increase the scope of services by $8,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $288,000 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Bellaire Boulevard and Westmoor Drive, Mobility Bond Project No. 17209-12, Precinct 2. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
L. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Chiang, Patel and Yerby, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $198,846.96 pursuant to SOQ 14-025, regarding Packer Lane Lift Station No. 3, Mobility Bond Project No. 13219x, Precinct 2. (Fund: 2013 Mobility Bonds)
M. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Environmental Services between Fort Bend County and Berg-Oliver Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $187,927.70 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding FM 521 South, Mobility Bond Project No. 17111, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
N. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Construction Materials Observation and Testing between Fort Bend County and Raba Kistner Consultants, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $42,333 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Various Roads in Arcola, Mobility Bond Project No. 17120x, Precinct 1. (Fund: 2017 Mobility Bonds)
O. Take all appropriate action on Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between Fort Bend County and Costello, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $108,444 pursuant to SOQ 14-025 regarding Pecan Creek Road and Cedar Creek Road bridges, Project No. BR19301, Precinct 3. (Fund: General Fund, Advance Funding Resolution)
Take all appropriate action on request for reclassification of vacant position number 5601-0293 in the Sheriff's Office from Clerk III-Bonding, Grade 7 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group to Bonding Clerk, Grade 5 of the Administrative Clerical Policy Group, effective January 7, 2020.
Take all appropriate action on request to merge the Court Collections Accounting Unit 100497101, currently managed by the County Treasurer, into the County Treasurer Accounting Unit 100497100, effective January 7, 2020.
§ 551.071. Consultation With Attorney. Commissioners Court will meet in Closed Session to seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement offer; or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Texas Government Code Chapter 551.